Come explore the natural world of Belle Isle and complete requirements for selected badges during one of our free programs. While our programs are free, pre-registration is required and space is limited. Please allow two hours to complete each badge. If you would like to plan a scout visit that does not take place on one of our workshop dates, please contact the Belle Isle Nature Center staff at [email protected].

Cub Scout Badges:

  • Tigers: Backyard Jungle
  • Wolves: Paws on the Path
  • Bears: Fur, Feathers and Ferns
  • Webelos: Into the Woods

Girl Scout Badges:

  • Daisies: Eco Learner
  • Brownies: Eco Friend
  • Juniors: Eco Camper
  • Cadettes: Eco Trekker

Do you have a multi-age pack or troop? Are you looking for opportunities for Scouts to complete a service project? Are you interested in fulfilling a badge requirement at the Nature Center that is not listed here? We are able to accommodate some additional programming. Please contact us at [email protected].

Registration for each workshop opens 3 months before the workshop is scheduled.